Current projects
Here you will find a selection of my current activities and projects:
‘Harvesting Days’ - process support and moderation
„Harvesting Days“ – Back from the service. A week of immersion, evaluation, exchange and looking ahead. Facilitation.
Church Faith Religion and Catholic Social Teaching
How does the Catholic Church ‘work’? What does it mean to live and work within its structures? What does Catholic social teaching say about working for peace, justice and the integrity of creation?
Capacitar Germany e. V.
Resilience, dealing with stress and trauma sensitivity
My well-being - our resilience. Strengthen your own resources with Capacitar. On this page you will find impressions of my work for the Capacitar Germany network and the association.
Culture-sensitive systemic coaching
Coaching for people abroad
Are you preparing for a stay abroad? I would be happy to accompany you as a coach. Culturally sensitive, systemic, empathetic.
Worldday of Prayer – German Committee
Project Officer Latin America
The World Day of Prayer supports women and girls worldwide in asserting their rights. Also in Latin America.
SeaWatch e. V. and Mare*Go
Coaching for volunteers in sea rescue
Pschosocial support for the volunteers comprises selfcare, practical tools for dealing with stress, panic and secondary traumatization. Knowledge about the neurological background and symptoms, team building and support in structuring everyday life.
My offer
Here you will find information on my main areas of work, formats and framework conditions for collaboration.