‘Harvesting Days’ - process support and moderation
since 2019
Process support and moderation

About Agiamondo e. V
AGIAMONDO recruits qualified professionals for international cooperation. It is the only Catholic organization that works on the basis of the German Development Aid Workers Act (EhfG). Its programme aims to support church and civil society organizations worldwide to work on socio-ecological change. AGIAMONDO Civil Peace Service (CPS) is a programme funded by the German government to support international partner organisations in peace and human rights work. There are around 280 development and peace workers in 60 countries.
Harvesting Days is like closing a circle. People you met years ago when preparing for their services, come back to bring in their harvest.
Did they meet their expectations and dreams? What unexpected experiences did they go through? What are their lessons learned? How will they shape their future? Are they back in Germany/Europe or on the stopover to a new assignment?
“Tell me your story” and “tell me why you are telling it”. The quality of storytelling touches us holistically, with all our senses. Colors, smells, tastes, sounds, special places and encounters come to life. “Things” we can hardly fit into a project evaluation, but which motivate us to embark on the adventure of productive strangeness.
Some remarkable stories
out of many more
Vom Wert kitschiger Vasen
Essen interkulturell
Endlich echte Begegnungen
Die Blätter sind überall grün
Willkommen im Paradies
Eine Dienstreise, die alles verändert hat
Bambis Heldenreise
“The harvesting days are very good for “closing” the time as Fachkraft. Thank you for your warmth and genuine interest in our experience! Created a very relaxed and appreciative environment.”