Church Faith Religion and Catholic Social Teaching
since 2017
Conception and training

About Agiamondo e. V.
AGIAMONDO (until 2019 AGEH e.V.) places qualified specialist personnel on the basis of the Development Workers Act (EhfG) for the international cooperation of church and civil society organisations. In the Civil Peace Service (CPS), which is funded by the German government, AGIAMONDO develops sustainable peace and human rights work programmes together with national partner organisations. Every year, up to 280 AGIAMONDO experts work for national employers in 60 countries.
AGIAMONDO is the only Catholic organisation among the state-recognised development services and would like to impart its principles to prospective professionals.How does the Catholic Church ‘work’?What does it mean to live and work within its structures? What ‘hot potatoes’ are there? What is Catholic social teaching and what statements does it make on the commitment to peace, justice and the integrity of creation? What direction does Pope Francis give the Church and why are his social circulars ‘Laudato Si’’ and “Fratelli tutti” fundamental texts for AGIAMONDO? And what does all this mean for each individual professional, for their values and beliefs? 3 days of training for prospective professionals.